A Befriender is thoughtfully matched to a young person and they meet once a fortnight and choose what they would like to do together. This can be anything from swimming to cycling, to crafting or comic book writing, to baking or BBQing, to rock painting or climbing. Time and time again, we see our matches making a real and lasting difference to the young person’s life.

We provide support to all of our matches. They are monitored regularly to allow everyone involved to talk about how it is working. We also bring all Befrienders, children and young people together as a group couple of times a year. These sessions are a great way for everyone to meet one another and to take part in a fun activity.

Become a Befriender:

Our Befrienders come from all walks of life and are caring and thoughtful people who are invested in building an intentional and trusting relationship with their young person. We are always looking for more volunteers to join our team.

For just a couple of hours a fortnight you could make a huge difference to the life of a young person.

Befrienders must be over 18 and we will provide you with training and ongoing support. Get in touch with us using the form at the bottom on the page to find out more.

Young People's Befriending Project our Volunteers

Making a referral

If you are working with a vulnerable or isolated young person or a child going through a difficult time who could use some 1-1 support from a trained volunteer Befriender you can refer them to us. They must:

  • Be aged between 5 and 18

  • Live in Orkney

  • Be experiencing circumstances that are having a detrimental affect on their life and their ability to reach their full potential.

Our volunteer Befrienders offer support and encouragement by introducing new activities to build the young person’s confidence and self-esteem. They are unable to offer personal care in regard to toileting and medication etc.

Children and young people need to be referred to us. This is done by an agency like education, social work, health professional or by another charity organisation. You must also have the child or young person's and their parent, guardian's or carer's consent to make the referral.

To refer a child or young person, download and return our form.

Get in touch with us if you are a young person or parent or carer of a young person and would like more information about how to make a referral. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call 01856 872897 option 2 and we can talk you through the process.

Murray and Finn's Story

Finn* was becoming increasingly isolated from his peers. He was struggling to attend school and was spending most of his time indoors on his games console.

Martha and Rosa's Story

Rosa* has quite a complex disability so we knew that she would need a special Befriender that could support her and enable her to join in safely with activities in the community.

Lucy and Florence's Story

Florence* recently transitioned to secondary school but was becoming more and more isolated from her peers.


Contact the Young People’s Befriending Project