Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 1 - 24 of 343 organisations:

Why we need you: Every step we make towards beating cancer relies on every pound, every hour and every person.

We have faith in young people and provide opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.

Action Medical Research is on a mission to save and change children's lives through medical research, developing treatments, vaccinations and cures.

VAO Member

The aims of the charity are to help and support older people who live in their own homes, to retain dignity, choice and independence and to enjoy a good quality of life…

Amnesty International works to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.

The Birsay Community Association run and manage the local community hall in Birsay.

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

We are members of the Church of Scotland Guild Edinburgh whomeet in the church once a month on a Monday. , At night in the summer and in the afternoon during the winter.

Supporting people who have or are about to experience the loss of a pet whether through bereavement, rehoming, or for any other reason.

British Red Cross operates a network of over 350 charity shops. Money raised in our shops funds our life-saving work in the UK and overseas.

The Orkney British Red Cross provides support at home, transport and mobility aids to help people when they face a crisis in their daily lives.

The Orkney British Red Cross provides support at home, transport, and mobility aids to help people when they face a crisis in their daily lives.

A community cottage style garden run by volunteers for the pleasure of local people and visitors.

Burray Community Association works to manage the Burray Community Hall and Burray Family Park, and to support events which bring the community of Burray together.

The school is based in the village of Burray, located over the Churchill Barriers. It offers schooling for children aged Nursery through to Primary 7.

We provide practical, confidential and impartial support for all new and growing businesses in Orkney.

Childline is ready to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they are going through.You can talk about anything.

Social Workers are there to help children and their families who are in need or at risk and will try to work together to make things safer and better for children at home, in the community or in care.

The provision of public worship and pastoral care in Orkney.

Clan Cancer Support provide emotional and practical support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis, including family members, carers and close friends.

HM Coastguard is the national maritime 999 service for search and rescue.

Community Energy Scotland provides support for communities in green energy development and energy conservation.

We are a community run local village hall offering regular events, such as yoga and pilates classes, traditional dancing, jive dancing, table tennis and a film club.

We offer confidential support, advice and a listening ear foryoung carers in Orkney and their families.We provide free monthly activity sessions for young carers to meet, relax and have fun…

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