Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 241 - 264 of 343 organisations:

The pool is 15 meters in length and the depth ranges form 0.9 - 1.5 meters. Aquagliders are available to hire. The pool is open to the public on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Who Cares? Scotland is a national organisation for care experienced children and young people. We provide advocacy and participation opportunities.

We offer trauma informed support for women and children who have/are experiencing domestic abuse.

The Orcades Practice consists of 5 island branch settings with all personnel being employees of NHS Orkney.

Braeburn Court is based in St Margaret's Hope in South Ronaldsay. It supplies respite care and care at home services provided by designated staff.

We are here to help people with sight loss live the life they choose.

Birsay, Harray and Sandwick congregation is community serving in the areas of Birsay, Harray and Sandwick, and is part of the Church of Scotland.

Ypeople, formerly YMCA, is an independent, registered charity that provides support to vulnerable groups and individuals including the homeless, refugees…

Community Learning and Development is about empowering people, individually and collectively, to make positive changes in their lives and their communities through learning.

Orkney Men's Shed (OMS) addresses the social and physical wellbeing of men of all ages and backgrounds through the creation, upkeep and development of a shed.

Kalisgarth is a supported living accommodation unit located in Westray.It is the only accommodation of it's kind in Orkney's northern isles.

Orkney Drug and Alcohol team are a small team of staff that works within the Community Mental Health Team.

The Adult Befriending Service aim is to help people over the age of 60 remain in their own homes independently for longer by having a Befriender visit you or by group befriending.

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