Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.
We are working on the contents of the directory. If you have any feedback, please email If you would like to add a new entry or update an existing one, you can find the forms to do this at the bottom of the page.
The Scottish Ambulance Service is on the frontline of the NHS, despatching immediate medical assistance or clinical advice to over 5 million people across Scotland.
Social Security Scotland delivers a number of benefits for families on low incomes, people who need help paying for a funeral, disabled people, carers and young people entering the workplace.
We meet monthly in St Andrews Community Centre from 1.30 � 3.30 usually on a Friday. The cost is�2. We have guest speakers, entertainment etc followed by tea, sandwiches and cake and a yarn.
You can add information about your community group, charity, organisation or service, or update an existing entry by completing and submitting a directory form.