Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.
We are working on the contents of the directory. If you have any feedback, please email If you would like to add a new entry or update an existing one, you can find the forms to do this at the bottom of the page.
We provide bowling facilities for all age groups and hold various competitions throughout the year. There is an outdoor facility for all year round playing.
Our group meets on the first Thursday of the month to enjoy the love of flowers and arranging. We are part of SAFAS Scottish association of flower arrangement societies.
Marie Curie offers support at the end of life for any illness at home. The support telephone number is 0800 090 2309. Ask your GP Practice or District nurse for a referral.
We deliver digital inclusion work across Scotland, working in partnership with organisations to reach people facing multiple exclusions. We do this by:
North Ronaldsay Primary School is a small school in Orkney�s mostmost northern island, North Ronaldsay. The school caters for children from nursey age through to Primary 7.
North Walls is a well-resourced school located on the island of Hoy. As a Community School, the school and nursery benefits from the on-site swimming pool.
Healthy Living Centres are community-based fitness suites equipped with a range of cardiovascular and resistance exercise machines, aimed at providing accessible…
You can add information about your community group, charity, organisation or service, or update an existing entry by completing and submitting a directory form.