Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.
We are working on the contents of the directory. If you have any feedback, please email If you would like to add a new entry or update an existing one, you can find the forms to do this at the bottom of the page.
Orkney Care and Repair offers independent advice and assistance to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can continue to live in comfort and safety in their own community.
We raise and distribute funds to help people under 25 who live in the Orkney Islands. Our funds will be available to young people in times of ill health, disability, hardship or disadvantage.
Orkney Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is independent, and provides free, confidential and impartial advice to anyone living and/or working in the local community.
Orkney Creative Hub has a vision to support creativity for everyone whatever their skills and attributes through a range of workshops across the number of venues.
We campaign for FAIR TRADE, promoting fairer deals, better working conditions, climate resilience and environmental protections for producers and workers in the global south.
We are a local registered charitable organisation (Scottish Charity No SCO12459) engaged in conserving, recording and enjoying Orkney's flora, fauna and natural landscape.
Orkney Foodbank provides food parcels to those who are in crisis upon receipt of a referral from many of the health, social care or voluntary organisations across Orkney.
A group of local people committed to the cause of justice for Palestinians. We normally hold a members meeting every two months on a Saturday morning in Kirkwall.
Orkney Health and Care (OHAC) is a partnership between Orkney Islands Council and NHS Orkney. The Partnership aims to improve and develop social care, community health and wellbeing.
Orkney Heart Support Group meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month except July in The Royal British Legion Kirkwall from 7.30 pm to approximately 9.30pm.
Orkney Hockey aim to foster, develop, promote and encourage participation in hockey at all levels; promote the Club within the local community; offer training…
You can add information about your community group, charity, organisation or service, or update an existing entry by completing and submitting a directory form.