Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.
We are working on the contents of the directory. If you have any feedback, please email If you would like to add a new entry or update an existing one, you can find the forms to do this at the bottom of the page.
As a council, our work touches the lives of everyone in Orkney - from schools to care of the elderly, rubbish collection to maintaining the county�s roads…
Kirkwall and Stromness libraries have a wide range of books for loan as well as audiobooks, eBooks, eAudio and jigsaws. Free Wi-Fi is available alongside public access PCs.
Orkney Marinas Ltd provides safe and secure pontoon berthing for local and visiting leisure boat users in three locations - Kirkwall Marina, Stromness Marina and Westray Marina.
Orkney Music and Culture work with the communities of the Orkney Islands and associated areas to provide opportunities to participate in the playing of…
Orkney Ramblers� Club is a very sociable group of like-minded folk who enjoy the physical and mental health benefits in the varied environments to be found in our lovely islands.
Since 2000, the Orkney Renewable Energy Forum (OREF) has been an integral part of the development of a diverse and successful renewable energy industry in Orkney.
The Orkney Versus Arthritis group meets to provide a friendly and sociable meeting where hot refreshments are provided along with musical entertainment, talks by health professionals…
The Orkney Armed Forces� and Veterans� Breakfast Club (OAFVBC) is a group of military veterans, serving personnel, and immediate family that meet face-to-face, in a relaxed…
You can add information about your community group, charity, organisation or service, or update an existing entry by completing and submitting a directory form.