Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 145 - 168 of 343 organisations:

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

Papa Westray Community School provides education for children aged nursery to Primary 7 for children in Papa Westray.

The Papay Community Association organises a range of social events and services on Papa Westray primarily for residents, but also popular with our visitors.

The Papay Co-op is a community-owned organisation providing key services on Papa Westray, notably the community shop, the island hostel and minibus.

PDT provides community housing for let and runs the island's Kelp Store Craft & Heritage Centre, a Market Garden, a boat service to the Holm of Papay and cycle hire.

The kirk services are every Sunday starting at 2 pm.The weekly doctors surgery takes place on a Wednesday morning and daily nurse clinic�s are held Monday to Friday.

Papdale Primary School caters for pupils from nursery to Primary 7 and is situated in Kirkwall, the main town of Orkney…

The Pickaquoy Centre, locally known as 'Picky', is recognised as a first class sports, arts, conference and social facility.

The Pier Arts Centre in Stromness houses a collection of British fine art including works by Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson…

Police Scotlandis responsible for policing across the whole of Scotland.

Project Linus UK is a volunteer organisation.

Quarriers is one of Scotland�s leading social care charities. We provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances.

We provide a range of confidential counselling, family mediation and support services.

Our purpose is to provide opportunities for those with disabilities to experience enjoyment, achievement, improvement and satisfaction from riding.

The REW DT is a charity that supports all residents across our three island community.

Healthy Living Centres are community-based fitness suites equipped with a range of cardiovascular and resistance exercise machines, aimed at providing accessible…

We are an island primary school with early learning and childcare provision and community space.

��������� The organisation�s purposes are to:Advance the education of the public in the archaeology, history, culture, natural history and other features of life in the islands of Rousay…

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

VAO Member

RSPB Scotland manage 12 stunning nature reserves in Orkney.

VAO Member

If you need someone to talk to we listen. Samaritans don't judge and we won't tell you what to do, whatever you are going through you can phone us day or night from any phone for free.

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

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