Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 169 - 192 of 343 organisations:

The school is a junior High School for pupils from 2 to 16 years situated on the island of Sanday,. It benefits from a close association with the community.

The main objectives of the Sanday Development Trust is to create an economically prosperous and sustainable community.

Healthy Living Centres are community-based fitness suites equipped with a range of cardiovascular and resistance exercise machines, aimed at providing accessible…

The pool is 15 meters in length, the depth ranges from 0.9 - 1.5 meters. Volunteers run the pool and opening times vary. It opens on a Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

We provide support and advice on health issues for children from school entry age until 19 years old in all educational establishments.We offer:

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are a national organisation delivering our front-line services locally from three strategically positioned hubs based in the North, West and East of the country.

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

Shapinsay is a small school where the children are taught in 3 classes; Nursery/Preschool, P1-4 and P5-7. The school is the only school in Shapinsay.

Shapinsay Development Trust works to ensure the future of the resilient island community of Shapinsay.

Shapinsay Health Centre is a local branch of Heilendi Practice based in the island.

Healthy Living Centres are community-based fitness suites equipped with a range of cardiovascular and resistance exercise machines, aimed at providing accessible…

Shapinsay Heritage Arts and Crafts looks after the historical, cultural, natural heritage, arts and crafts and other features of life in the island of Shapinsay…

We fundraise for RNLI.

The aim of the group is to advance the education and interaction of pre-school children and provide support for their parents.

Skerryvore Practice is a general practice based in the Balfour Hospital in Kirkwall.

Smiddybrae is a residential care home for older residents situated in the village of Dounby.Accommodation is within 4 wings or houses Brockan, Isbister, Bosquoy and Clumly, each with their own lounge…

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

The role of our association is to manage…

We are the UK�s largest network of community groups supporting half a million young people to overcome barriers to reach their full potential.The 2…

St Andrews School is inthe East Mainland of Orkney.

Community Councils provide an effective, strong voice within each community area offering sound, local advice on a range of community issues.

We run the community hall with it�s accessible garden area, young children's play park and bird hide. You will also find playing fields and parking.

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