Relationships Scotland Orkney (RSO) is a voluntary organisation affiliated to the national body Relationships Scotland. RSO provides a range of services to support; individuals, couples, children, young people, families, and promotes positive and respectful relationships in our community. As a member of COSCA our services are delivered by qualified practitioners who adhere to their Code of Ethics and Standards. RSO is part of a national network of services which provide Help and Support for Separated Families (HSSF)
Individual and Relationship Counselling provides a safe, confidential space where those experiencing difficulties can explore them and find ways of moving forward.
Family Mediation helps parents whose relationship has broken down to communicate with each other and to make practical arrangements for their children.
Family Link Workers in our Family Connections Project can help families to work towards reducing conflict, strengthen relationships and improve wellbeing.
Child Contact Centre staff help children and young people affected by family breakdown to keep in touch with parents they no longer live with and family who are important to them.
Youth Counselling and Play Therapy helps younger family members to explore difficulties and worries with qualified Youth Counsellors and Play Therapists.
Substance Misuse Support is available for families affected by alcohol or drug misuse. We offer the CRAFT programme for family members to help their loved ones engage in treatment.
Parenting Apart helps co-parents understand the impact of separation and divorce on them and their children.
For more information please visit our website or contact us.