Legislation, national policies, guidance and ways of working are always changing. Our Organisational Health Checks can help you assess how up to date your group or organisation is and how it is really performing. It gives you the confidence that your board, committees, staff and volunteers are operating to best practice.

We work with you through the Organisational Health Check to establish the areas you are strong in and those that might need some development. We then provide clear action plans to help you make any changes needed.

The Organisational Health Check reviews your:

  • vision and mission
  • financial management
  • constitution and governance
  • policies and procedures
  • staff and volunteers
  • facilities and IT
  • quality and impact
  • communications and marketing

To book an Organisational Health Check or to find out more about them, get in touch with us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.


  • What would you need from us to carry out an organsiational health check?

    This would vary depending on whether any specific areas were identified following our initial chat, but generally we would want to look at your:

    • constitution
    • policies and procedures
    • annual reports
    • any strategic documents such as business or development plans
    • last few annual financial statements
    • any minutes of your last few committee meetings

    These will give us a sense of how the organsiation operates so we can advise on updates, changes and potential improvements to your governance.

  • Can you only meet at the VAO offices, or can you come to me?

    Yes, we can come to you. The community development team is often out and about, meeting where it best suits you, including online.

  • Can you meet online?

    Yes, we frequently meet online. Generally we use Microsoft Teams for online meetings but you do not need Teams for that to work, as long as we send you the online invitation you will be able to click on the link on a phone or other device. We can also provide training online.

    You can find out more about the training we offer in our Services section.

  • What is the best way to get in touch?

    Contact us using the form at the bottom of the page or give us a phone. We will talk through what you are looking to discuss and arrange a time to look at it in more detail if we cannot advice there and then.

Contact our community development team

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