With donations from Repsol Resources UK Ltd and Liam McArthur MSP, Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO) is pleased to offer grants of up to £500 to charities, community groups and voluntary organisations in Orkney.
Constituted groups with charitable objectives (excepting party political groups) can apply for a grant for a project or activity to help their community. Past awards have included:
- equipment such as goal posts for football pitches, tables for community halls, display boards, replacements of outside lights
- specialised clothing to allow volunteer groups to achieve their aims, for example waterproof trousers, gloves and hi vis vests
- venue hire for workshops, exhibitions or events
This is a competitive fund, and it is important that you include as much information as possible on the application form about how your project fulfils the priority criteria for the fund.
Applications will be assessed by a panel of VAO Directors and their decision will be final. They will be looking to award grants to groups and organisations whose project or activity demonstrates the most local impact in Orkney.
Grants cover the period from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
Successful grant recipients must claim the total sum awarded by the 31 March 2026 but will not be reimbursed for items bought before 1 April 2025 or after 31 March 2026. To claim the grant, VAO will require copies of invoices and/or itemised receipts as proof of expenditure.