From conversations that Rousay's Community Wellbeing Coordinator had with several residents and with the GP Surgery it was clear that foot and nail care was difficult to access on the island, especially for those who had difficulty living independently due to transport difficulties.

The Community Wellbeing Coordinator liaised with their counterpart in Sanday who had successfully set up a visiting podiatry service and their registered podiatrist was also willing to provide a similar service regularly in Rousay.

The podiatrist now visits every 10 weeks or so with a maximum of 14 appointments each time. These appointments are usually fully booked, and are either clinic appointments or home visits dependent on the persons mobility and transport.

The Community Wellbeing Coordinator continues to organise the service. This involves booking the ferry for the podiatrist, making the appointments for residents, hiring the venue for the clinic and dealing with any enquiries. They also make sure it is advertised widely, distributing posters around the island and in the GP surgery as well as sharing the details in the monthly island newsletter and on Facebook.

The service has enabled residents in Rousay to receive either regular or occasional foot and nail care from a registered podiatrist in a timely way and in a place that is close to or is even in their own home. One islander said:

It has helped to improve my wellbeing. Walking in comfort allows me to achieve my ambitions in exercise and keeping fit.

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