The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) raises awareness of social issues and local charities with young people. By showing participants that they can make a difference it encourages them to get involved in the community and builds their confidence to go out and volunteer with groups and organisations.
Melissa Lindsay from SimBA had close involvement this year. The group she supported emerged successful with their presentation in the Kirkwall Grammar School final. She said:
The money will make an incredible difference to the families in Orkney. We plan to enhance our Bereavement room allowing couples to have a more homely, comfortable environment when going through a loss. We will also continue to supply memory boxes to the hospital and we will be able to continue maintaining the garden containing The Tree of Tranquillity, where parents can go to reflect and remember.
YPI has been a fantastic venture to be involved with. The process has brought local charities together and raised awareness amongst us as charities as well as the pupils, teachers and everyone else involved.
The RNLI participated in the charity fairs in both Stromness and Kirkwall. For Kate Irving Lewis one of their volunteers, it was the first time she had been involved in the initiative. She said:
This is such a great opportunity for young people to engage in. Their knowing will help support others by not just recognising those charities that support our local community, but also where they can volunteer and get involved. The young folk showed such enthusiasm and willing support. They clearly enjoyed the day and worked hard to deliver their presentation of their chosen charity.