The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative began at Kirkwall Grammar School with the charities fair. At the event the S3 pupils met with groups and organisations dealing with social issues in Orkney to learn more about them and to prepare their presentations.
For the charities taking part it is an opportunity to raise awareness about their work with a new generation of potential volunteers and supporters, as well as ensuring that anyone who may need to use their service in future will know who to turn to. Anna Johnston from The Peedie Retreat said:
Being able to engage with the young adults at both KGS and Stromness Academy has added huge value to the charity. On both occasions we met young folk who were directly affected by either Cancer or MS and enabled them to have the confidence to relay to their family what was happening and the charities goals and aspirations. The feedback has been fantastic from the young folk involved who have contributed to decisions and plans for the charities future service delivery too, helping us get it right for everyone involved.
Morgan Maxton from Women’s Aid Orkney said:
Women’s Aid Orkney have been thrilled to be part of this years YPI. It is lovely to see how interested the pupils are in the different charities in Orkney and what difference they make to people in their community. We have been very impressed with the imagination and diversity of the groups that have chosen us and the enthusiasm they have put into the project.
At the showcase final, 6 groups of pupils gave presentations on behalf of:
- RNLI Kirkwall Lifeboat
- THAW Orkney
- Home Start Orkney
- Employability Orkney
- Orkney Blide Trust
The group representing THAW Orkney came out on top, with a well delivered presentation and the charity was given the £3000 award.