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Type of Activity
Showing 49 - 60 of 94 volunteering opportunities:
Restart Orkney

We need your help! Our busy Restart Showroom is busier than ever selling donated items of furniture, household items, electrical goods and bric-a-brac. This helps the planet by reusing and recycling…

Pain Concern

About Pain Concern: Pain Concern is a charity providing information and support to people with pain and those who care for them, whether family, friends or healthcare professionals. Visit our website…

Pain Concern

About Pain Concern … All pain is unpleasant, but for the 7.8 million people in the UK living with long-term pain it is a part of everyday life. It diminishes quality of life more than any other…


Listening volunteers are there for anyone who needs someone and have the ability to change the course of someone’s life. Listening volunteers take calls from people who are in distress or despair…

Victim Support Scotland

Scotland is a nation of kind and compassionate people. When times get tough, we rally around, stepping up when needed and looking out for one another—it’s simply what we do. This spirit is ingrained…

Orkney Disability Forum / Dial-a-Bus

Have you some hours to spare? Have you a valid Driving Licence with D1 entitlement? Or have you considered helping as an escort/companion on Dial-a-bus Trips & Tours? Dial-a-bus are looking for…

Alzheimer Scotland

We are recruiting new volunteers to be part of our Dementia Helpline team. Can you spare 8 hour per month to make sure nobody faces dementia alone? Our next Helpline Volunteer Preparation Programme…

Restart Orkney

We need your help! Our busy Restart Showroom is busier than ever selling donated items of furniture, household items, electrical goods and bric-a-brac. This helps the planet by reusing and recycling…

Restart Orkney

Restart Orkney receives a large amount of donated electrical items, which are required to be PAT tested and checked for safety before being sold on. Due to an increasing volume of donations we have a…

Blood Cancer UK

Acting as a representative of Blood Cancer UK in the local community you will be hosting bucket collections at venues such as supermarkets, sports clubs, stations, high streets, or similar public…

Blood Cancer UK

Acting as a representative of Blood Cancer UK in the local community, you will help raise money for our life-saving research by creating fundraising opportunities in your local area and being a local…


All across the UK our 350+ volunteers support older and/or disabled people at home to offer one-to-one support with their technology, whether that’s a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Our…

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