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Type of Activity
Showing 61 - 72 of 94 volunteering opportunities:
Sunnybrae Centre - Eunson Kloss

We at Sunnybrae are a Very Sheltered Housing complex, set up to enable people to live independently in a community setting with the added bonus of high-quality care and access to meals and activities…

St Magnus Way

Would you like to work with the Trustees of Orkney Pilgrimage (St Magnus Way) to maintain the walking conditions of the Way? This volunteer role involves strimming grassed areas during walking…

St Magnus Way

The St Magnus Way are looking for volunteer Path Keepers to walk sections of the St Magnus Way to check the condition of the path and report any problems to the Volunteer Coordinator. Key activities…

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Our Retail Volunteers fight back against loneliness, stop fear in its tracks and keep people alive for longer – all while having fun at the same time! We are looking for someone who enjoys engaging…

Guide Dogs

How would you like to be part of the Guide Dogs family and help people with sight loss live the life they choose? We would love to have you onboard to help with our ambition of a future where every…

Guide Dogs

How would you like to be part of the Guide Dogs family and help people with sight loss live the life they choose? We would love to have you onboard to help with our ambition of a future where every…

Clan Cancer Support

Clan is here for anyone impacted by a cancer diagnosis. We provide emotional and physical support to people who have a cancer diagnosis, their family, carers and friends. Our services are offered to…

Orkney ZeroWaste

Orkney ZeroWaste are currently seeking to recruit Trustees (Directors) and would welcome expressions of interest from people of all backgrounds who have a passion for reducing, reusing and recycling…

White Ribbon Scotland (Orkney)

Combating violence against women is a priority. Sadly, such behaviour exists here in Orkney. White Ribbon Orkney is part of a world-wide movement, and we are looking for additional volunteer speakers…

Orkney Citizens Advice Bureau

Volunteering at CAB as an adviser is hugely rewarding. Each session is different. Clients come to us with issues as diverse as consumer issues through to housing problems and those simply needing to…

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

As a CHSS Community Connector you can support CHSS any time or anywhere, giving as much or as little time to the tasks as you wish. As long as you have access to a smartphone, tablet or computer you…

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

As a CHSS Community Connector you can support CHSS any time or anywhere, giving as much or as little time to the tasks as you wish. As long as you have access to a smartphone, tablet or computer you…

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