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Type of Activity
Showing 73 - 84 of 94 volunteering opportunities:
Muscular Dystrophy UK

Our fundraising groups are the local face of MDUK, raising vital funds and constantly raising the profile of the charity so that we can reach more people and their families affected by a muscle…

Muscular Dystrophy UK

What you’ll get out of the role: • Meeting new people in your community and working as part of our skilled and friendly fundraising team … • A flexible volunteering opportunity that you can fit…

Muscular Dystrophy UK

Would you like to help us raise awareness of muscle-wasting conditions? There’s approximately 9,000 children and adults with this life-limiting condition and your support will make a big difference.

Hamnavoe House

Hamnavoe is a residential care home in Stromness. Our Activities Volunteers help us create a fun and stimulating environment for our residents. Sharing your hobbies, skills and time could…

Smiddybrae House

Care home staff do an amazing job but often they just don’t have the hours in the day to spend regular one-to-one time with residents or to find ways to connect the care home with its local…

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme is Scotland’s growing, giving and inspiring community of garden-lovers. Our mission is to raise funds for charity by encouraging, promoting and supporting garden openings…

British Red Cross Shop - Kirkwall

Volunteers will be involved in handling and pricing donations, operating the till and helping to create eye-catching displays.

Clan Cancer Support

Clan is here for anyone impacted by a cancer diagnosis. We provide emotional and physical support to people who have a cancer diagnosis, their family, carers and friends. Our services are offered to…

Clan Cancer Support

Clan is here for anyone impacted by a cancer diagnosis. We provide emotional and physical support to people who have a cancer diagnosis, their family, carers and friends. Our services are offered to…

SSAFA - The Armed Forces Charity

Caseworkers visit clients to work out what type of help they need. Next, they find the right sources of support and arrange for clients to access it. This might be funds for special equipment for…

Braeburn Court

Braeburn Court provides respite care and short breaks in St Margaret’s Hope for older people. We are looking for volunteers to help with social activities such as visiting for a chat, reading…

Braeburn Court

This is an opportunity to support service users who live in thier own homes in a supportive environment. If you have an interest in gardening and would enjoy helping someone to maintain their own…

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