Step Up offers 0% interest loans of £5,000 to £30,000 to help Scottish social enterprises scale or repeat successful trading activities.

  • Social enterprises of any age can apply for microloans of up to £10,000
  • New enterprises and those starting to trade can apply for loans up to £30,000

Key Criteria

The loan is 0% interest, so you repay the exact amount you borrowed. As part of the application process, you will propose a repayment plan. Repayments might be a flat rate which is the same every month, in one or more lump sums, or staggered with lower repayments initially building up over time.

  • You must repay loans of £10k or under within two years.
  • You must repay loans over £10k within five years.

If you have fully repaid a loan, you can apply again. (A lifetime limit of £50,000 per enterprise in Step Up loans applies).

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