NHS Orkney Public Health department have recently developed a Healthy Families resource. Created by Amy Davis, Public Health Dietitian and Daria Byers, Health Improvement Development Officer, it has been reviewed by the NHS Orkney Dietetics team, a multi-disciplinary Early Years special interest group and the Child Healthy Weight steering group.
The purpose of this resource is to provide education and support for families around nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle factors; with the aim of helping parents to successfully navigate different aspects of child health and aid in behaviour change provided by holistic, non-judgmental, and supportive advice. The resource can be used by a parent or carer, or as a family by reading through it, completing the interactive activities, and using the reflection points throughout. Additionally, it can be worked through with a practitioner, who can guide families and provide additional support where necessary.
The Healthy Families resource can be accessed and printed from Child Healthy Weight | NHS Orkney (scot.nhs.uk). Printed copies are available upon request by emailing ork.healthimprovement@nhs.scot.