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Keep up to date and read the latest news from VAO and local community groups and charity organisations.
We are sorry to announce that the Adult Befriending Service supported by Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO) is to close on 30 September 2023 due to the funding coming to an end.
- Friday 1 September 2023
Last March I had a severe stroke, it left me with limited use of my right hand, luckily I am left handed but my speech was also impaired.
- Wednesday 31 May 2023
Every year, the Ness of Brodgar archaeological project relies on volunteers – to make the excavation season happen, to process the many artefacts and information from the 5,000-year-old site…
- Wednesday 31 May 2023
The Orkney Islands will host the 20th International Island Games on 12th - 18th July 2025.
- Tuesday 30 May 2023
Projects to support mental health and address social isolation and loneliness in adults will share a further £15 million across Scotland this year.
- Wednesday 26 April 2023
Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO) recently published its Strategic Plan 2023-2026.
- Tuesday 4 April 2023
Volunteers’ Week 2022 is running between 1–7th June and Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO) are asking local organisations to get involved.
- Monday 30 May 2022
The Scottish Government has appointment Social Enterprise Scotland as the single enhanced intermediary for social enterprises.
- Monday 14 March 2022
An additional £6m has been provided to the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund to meet the demand for local mental health and wellbeing projects.
- Friday 25 February 2022
The Scottish Government has published its analysis of responses to the National Care Service Consultation. It is available online and can be found here.
- Wednesday 23 February 2022
Police Scotland have produced a document containing advice on how to recognise Police Officer impersonation. It explains what they will and won't do and how to check their identity.
- Thursday 27 January 2022
Christmas and New Year can be an exciting time for everyone but it can also be an anxious time, with lots to remember, worries about spending and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
- Wednesday 1 December 2021