During our Volunteers' Week 2023 festivities, we are raising awareness about the multitude of volunteering opportunities available and highlighting just how simple it is to get involved. We are also sharing some inspirational volunteering stories from organisations like Restart Orkney and Ness of Brodgar as well as personal stories form volunteers on what volunteering means to them.

Here is Colin's story:

Last March I had a severe stroke, it left me with limited use of my right hand, luckily I am left handed but my speech was also impaired. It meant taking time out from my work as a vet to work on my recovery. I needed to focus on the mobility of my affected hand and arm and practice speaking as this has been affected by the stroke.

I found out about volunteering through my neurotherapy worker who contacted VAO on my behalf. After meeting with Alison, their Volunteer Development worker on a video call, we talked through what I might enjoy doing. This led to me starting to work at the Clan shop in Kirkwall on Friday morning sorting and pricing donations. The next opportunity VAO helped to arrange was with Kirkwall Parkrun. This is something I enjoyed taking part in before my stroke, so I was familiar with the set up. Now I could help as a volunteer, checking in the runners on a Saturday morning. The most recent opportunity VAO arranged was to volunteer at the local archive helping to catalogue a photography collection.

My mobility is improving, and I am getting better and more confident at speaking. The best thing about volunteering for me is getting out of the house and speaking to people. It has really helped me with my mental wellbeing and recovery. I would say to others out there wondering if it’s for them. Definitely do it.

To have a one to one chat to match you with your ideal volunteering role, get in touch with us by calling 01856 872897 ext 311 or emailing volunteering@vaorkney.org.uk.

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