Volunteers’ Week is a UK-wide campaign that will run from Monday 3 June to Sunday 9 June 2024. The week provides an opportunity to celebrate the amazing contributions that volunteers make to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole.
2024 is also the 40th Anniversary of Volunteers’ Week so there’s an extra emphasis on celebration and focusing on the spirit of appreciation and recognition that volunteers, past and present, have made to Orkney’s charities, organisations and community groups. We have put together this short guide with suggested ideas for events and activities and links to downloadable resources to help you to celebrate and thank your volunteers:
Please contact our Volunteer Development Worker via email at aimee.harvey@vaorkney.org.uk if you'd like to discuss your plans or have any questions.
Further information about VAO's own celebratory plans will be released in due course, so please keep a look out on our Facebook page for all the details.