Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 25 - 46 of 46 organisations:

Shapinsay Heritage Arts and Crafts looks after the historical, cultural, natural heritage, arts and crafts and other features of life in the island of Shapinsay…

Monthly meeting on third Thursday. Guest speakers, demonstrations and competitions. For further details contact 01856 872742

Stromness Drama Club is an amateur dramatics society serving the people of Stromness and round-about.

A community Pipe Band open to all comers and all ages, provided piping and drumming tuition (no legion membership required).

Stromness Shopping Week is a week long festival which runs on the 3rd week of July every year.

To celebrate the legacy of past Orkney writers and promote new creative writing in the islands.

The West Mainland Horticultural Society organises the annual West Mainland Flower, Produce and Industrial show.

West Side Cinema offers the edge of world cinema in a relaxed and social atmosphere – themed music, candle-lit tables and a ‘bring your own’ policy. We screen short films with every feature film:

The Association aims to encourage and develop crafts and crafting on Westray and Papa Westray; and support crafters and make craft goods available for sale.

The advancement of citizenship or community development … The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science

The preservation, restoration and conservation of St. Nicholas Church in the parish of Holm, Orkney for the benefit of the public in general.

Aims and Objectives … 1) Advance knowledge of the public in Orkney and elsewhere in the history of St Ninian’s and the historical, cultural and social development of the local community … 2)…

Promote drama and entertainment

We are here to support the artistic community in Orkney. We stock a wide range of arts and craft materials in the shop which is open all week.

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