Find information about community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Orkney. Our directory also includes details of the other services providing support in the the local community.

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Showing 25 - 36 of 36 organisations:
VAO Member

RSPB Scotland is part of the RSPB, the country's largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home.

Community Hall with accessible garden area and bird hide.

St Magnus Cathedral congregation provides in inclusive welcome to all who wish to worship with us on a Sunday morning at 11.15.

Stromness and Parish Eventide Club, is an organisation with a president, Vice president, secretary and Treeasurer, and an additional 11 committee members.

Canine Concern Scotland Trust (CCST) established the Therapet Service in 1988, where volunteer members take their registered dogs on a regular basis to visit the elderly…

Confidential support for victims and families of victims of crime, even if crime has not been reported to police.

To develop the economic, social and cultural sustainability of our community (Westray) by harnessing the quality of our resources, people and island environment.

The Young People's Befriending Project was established in 2007 and has been serving the local community in Orkney since.

The Adult Befriending Service aim is to help people over the age of 60 remain in their own homes independently for longer by having a Befriender visit you or by group befriending.

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