Almost all charity organisations and community groups are looking for funding. For some it is to support their day to day activities, for others it is to improve their services or to run a specific project. We can help you work out what funding you have, what you might need and where to find it.
Grant funding is often the mainstay for many groups and organisations. It can be secured from numerous different sources, for example the National Lottery, trusts, foundations, or statutory agencies. It is usually for specific projects and will have restrictions on how the money can be spent.
We keep an up to date list of the open funds we have found that are of interest to groups and organisations in Orkney.
We also manage and administer several funds which are open to applications at certain points in the year. These are awarded to groups and organisations to support their activity in the community across Orkney. You can find information about these funds on our Managed Grants page.
Other types of funding
You can also raise funds in other ways, these include:
- Individual donations from members of the public either one off or regular amounts.
- Funds raised through events organised by the group or organisation. For example concerts, quiz nights, craft fairs and walks.
- Money left to the group or organisation by someone in their will. Referred to as legacies, there can be ethical and legal considerations when accepting this type of funding.
- Corporate donations are also classed as legacies. Good knowledge of tax and gift acceptance procedures is required for this type of funding. A strong relationship and partnership is also important for major donors.
- In-kind support, for example someone providing a service or equipment at no cost, or the use of a space or building for free.